
Privacy Policy

Worried against sharing your personal details online? Don’t worry. Privacy is indeed a bothering issue for everyone. People may not trust easily, especially when it is concerned with disclosing their personal details. You may often ask the question- Is the website secure enough to reveal our personal data?

Certainly, fake sites exist now. Hence, it is to be self-assured of the site. Clarity or Transparency regarding the activities of site is essential nevertheless certain sites fulfill these criteria absolutely.


Our site is reliable, and you can have 100% assurance in us. Realize the benefits offered by our system with sufficient guarantee and certainty. Our practice of assembling and publishing information is clearly revealed in our privacy statement.


Basically, we will not support the practice of discovering the identity of our site visitors. Meanwhile, we utilize your IP address for attaining and accumulating a broad demographic information, without intruding your private details. In addition to these, your IP address can provide us an immense assistance to identify our server issue, and enhance the site in accordance with the features people prefer to hang on with.


There is no registration procedure on our site, except in case of voluntary registration for obtaining white papers, online sessions, conferences, investor kits, and alumni correspondence formulated by school transportation services. We assure that the details you have published for registration will never be sold to the third parties and will purely be utilized for establishing a direct contact with the registered users. The information that we have gathered will be transferred in the future only in case of asset or company acquisition. We guarantee that your data is stored securely on a server with our ISP, and will never be sold to third parties.


Usually, we send a piece of data called “cookie” to your browser, which can henceforth be stored on your system. And, we employ session cookies for certain chosen pages. For the purpose of quality control measures, we attempt several improvements to our site and in order to deliver a superior service, we send you the cookies. And for declining the cookies, you can activate notification to your settings for notifying you whenever the browser receives the cookies and straightaway decline it. Moreover, for providing exceptional service, we gather details on anonymous visits known as “Click stream data”. These data can be further utilized for implementing demand forecasting techniques and extrapolating trends in the future. Furthermore, you will be able to attain our website details via these cookies.


Occasionally, our site may have the links of other websites, and our company officials will not be responsible for their website and its contents. We will not accept the opinions expressed by third parties. For the sake of your own safety, gain a clear understanding on our terms, policy and conditions